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February 1, Astana, M. Ashimbayev, Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament, when asked about the denial of accreditation to journalists of Radio Azattyk, said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan has its own position on this issue. He said that the decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan to deny accreditation to “some” journalists of Radio Azattyk was taken in connection with the fact that “the editorial staff and journalists have violated Kazakh legislation and corresponding rules”[1].

February 1, Almaty, Feminists in Almaty can’t get permission from the city authorities to hold a feminist march or rally on March 8. The Akimat explains that there are no free venues for such events, or it is not safe. Nevertheless, they are ready to fight, and if they are not allowed to hold a rally, they will hold solitary pickets[2]

February 1, Almaty, at the press conference at the Kazakhstan Press Club, activists of the Kazakhstan feminist initiative “Feminita” Sekerbaeva Zh. and Alban M., as well as human rights defenders Vorontsova L. and Chernobil T. discussed problems with the approval of a feminist march or rally against domestic violence under the slogan “For the safety of Kazakhstani women”[3].

February 1, Petropavlovsk, Kuramshin V., Article 456-2 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 20 days of detention, was released early from the special detention center for those under administrative arrest. He is ready to apologize for the behavior of anonymous commentators who supported his post in too radical expressions[4].

February 1, Almaty, overview of the situation in Kazakhstan with the right to freedom of expression, receiving and disseminating information from January 25 to February 01, 2024[5].

February 1, Atyrau, Bokay M., the court considered an appeal against the court decision of January 14 under Article 669, Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the RK. The judge ruled that the decision of the court on administrative offenses should be left unchanged, and the individual complaint should be left without satisfaction[6].

February 1, Atyrau, citizen Utarbayev N., who tried to set himself on fire in the city of Akimat because his land issue was not resolved, was sentenced to a fine under Article 434, Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the RK for disorderly conduct[7].

February 2, Stepnogorsk, Institution No. 4, political prisoner Zhylanbaev M., Articles 258, 405 of the Criminal Code of the RK, 7 years’ imprisonment. The representative of the Public Supervisory Committee Syzdykov O. reported that Zhylanbaev M. declared that he would continue his hunger strike until March 1[8].

On February 2, in Almaty, activist Bergen Liya came to the Independence Monument with a poster calling on the city’s Akim to grant permission for a feminist march and rally on International Women’s Day, March 8[9].

February 3, New York, USA, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) condemns the decision by Kazakh authorities to deny accreditation to dozens of journalists from Radio Azattyk, the Kazakh service of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, and calls on Astana to accredit Radio Azattyk journalists and create conditions for them to work freely[10].

February 3, Almaty, an unidentified man tried to prevent Fonova V., an activist with the group “Kazfem”, from holding a picket demanding that the Akimat authorize a women’s march on March 8. The man and his associates tried to stop the picket by tearing the poster from her hands and then calling the police[11].

February 4, Kostanay, activist Aligazina A. held a solitary picket demanding that the Akimat authorize a women’s march on March 8 and calling for the criminalization of domestic violence. An unidentified woman approached the activist. She was holding a poster that read “Against Femenism” (the spelling is preserved). The unknown woman kept trying to disrupt the picket with provocations[12].

February 4, Kostanay, a scandalous incident occurred during a picket against domestic violence. The footage from social networks shows that the woman intentionally obstructed the work of the media during the picket and did not leave her place, even after she was asked to leave[13].

February 5, the international human rights organization Human Rights Watch urges Astana to respect the rights and impartiality in the investigation of the case against the head of the foundation “NeMolchi.kz” Smailova D.[14].

February 5, Astana, the draft law “On introducing amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on ensuring the rights of women and safety of children”, which increases the penalties for domestic violence, was presented in the Majilis[15].

February 5, Almaty, The Adil Soz Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech expects that the decision of the specialized court in Astana will be balanced, reasonable, fair and fully in line with the requirements of the law and international commitments of Kazakhstan. The statement was made in relation to the representative office of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty – Kazakhstan (RFE/RL-Kazakhstan)[16].

February 5, Astana, the Supreme Court ruled that there were no grounds to reconsider the case of Isayev N., a resident of Aktobe, who was sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment under Article 380-1, Part 2 of the Criminal Code of the RK for his participation in the January 2022 rallies. The court rejected the request of Sagal A., the lawyer of the convicted person, for re-qualification of the charges and consideration of the case in the Cassation Board[17].

February 5, civil activists continue the challenge with the demand to release political prisoner Zhylanbaev M., Articles 258, 405 of the Criminal Code of the RK, 7 years of imprisonment[18].

February 5, Mangistau region, striking workers at West Oil Software oilfield Service Company in Zhetybai demand that their demands be considered at an expanded government meeting on February 7[19].

February 6, Mangistau region, unemployed residents of Zhanaozen held a rally in front of the Akimat building. They appealed to the President Tokayev K. and the Akim of the region Nogaev N. and demanded to give them a job[20]

February 6, Almaty, Fonova V. held a picket in front of the Kazakh National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater in Almaty. The picket was authorized by the authorities. The picket lasted only 30 minutes. Feminists in Kazakhstan continue to hold actions demanding that they be allowed to organize a women’s march in Almaty on March 8, as the Akimat has refused to grant them permission to hold such actions[21].

February 7, Karaganda, civic activists, public figures and residents on the same day submitted notifications of their intention to hold pickets in different places of the city, but all their notifications were rejected. Purpose of the pickets: To rename the current Nazarbayev Avenue to Peace Boulevard [22].

February 7, Aktobe, the Administrative Court dropped a case of “defamation” against local journalist Yerubaeva A. The plaintiff was the director of a gymnasium in Irgiz district, Aktobe region, Nurmanova G. The case was dropped for lack of corpus delicti[23].

February 7, Astana, A. Balaeva, Minister of Culture and Information, responded to the complaints of journalists who were not allowed to go to the backstage area after the extended meeting with the president to ask questions. The press service of the government blocked the exit for the media, saying that they had already been given the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers[24].

February 7, Satpayev, ex-miner and activist Nasyrkhanov B. said that his home had been searched. The search was prompted by a police report stating that Nasyrkhanov B. had “published negative videos on Facebook about state authorities and the management of Kazakhmys Corporation LLP”[25].

February 8, Almaty, the Press Center of the Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law hosted a press conference of the branch of the Sectoral Trade Union of Employees of State Agencies and Public Services. It was the next step in the campaign for the reinstatement of dismissed union members and the conclusion of a collective labor agreement[26].

February 8, Almaty, overview of the situation in Kazakhstan with the right to freedom of expression, receiving and disseminating information from February 01 to February 8, 2024[27].

February 8, New York, Human Rights Watch today called for an end to the baseless case against journalist Mukhamedkarim D. “The Kazakh authorities are trying to silence an independent journalist who has repeatedly criticized the authorities and tried to exercise his right to peaceful assembly”, said Mira Rittman, senior Central Asia researcher[28].

February 8, Almaty, The police have once again blocked the way to the Chinese consulate for a group of citizens who are demanding the release of their family members in Xinjiang and the reunification of them with their families[29].

New York, February 8, Human Rights Watch reiterated its condemnation of the Kazakhstani authorities’ use of “excessively vague and broad” criminal charges to prosecute government critics.  Astana should narrow the definition of “extremism” in Kazakhstan’s laws and stop using anti-extremism legislation to crack down on critics, Human Rights Watch said[30].

February 9, Temirlan Ensebek, an activist with the “Oyan, Kazakhstan!” movement for political reform, held an authorized solitary picket in support of holding a march on March 8[31].

February 9, Shymkent, lawyers of first deputy head of police department Abdramanov E., who has long tried to prosecute journalist Nizovkina M., seek her arrest[32].

February 9, Atyrau, the court ruled on the complaint of Bokay M., on the police decision to impose an administrative warning under Article 430 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the RK “for failure to comply with the rules of administrative supervision”. Judge Aitzhanova A. recognized the police report and the decision to issue an administrative warning as illegal[33].

 February 10, Almaty, “Feminita” activist Aktorgyn Akkenzhebalasy held an authorized picket in front of the monument “Tauelsizdik Tany”. She held a placard reading “Marchty boldirmau kylmys!”(Canceling a march is a crime)[34]

February 11, Aktobe, there was a meeting in front of the Special PSC (Public Service Center), which was agreed with the Akimat. The action lasted about 30 minutes. During the action the members of the initiative group recorded a video message to President Tokayev K. and the newly appointed government of Kazakhstan. The rally was attended by about 300 people, mostly car owners. Three demands were raised at the meeting [35].

February 11, iZhetysu region, Kerbulak district, Soltanbai M. participated as an observer in the election of the Akim of Koksu rural district, Kerbulak district. He wanted to film the events with his cell phone, but was beaten by other participants in the election process, after which he was hospitalized[36].

February 12, Astana, the lawyer of political prisoner Zhylanbaev M. said that his client had ended the hunger strike he had declared in prison. The lawyer said that the hunger strike was ended for health reasons[37].

February 12, Mangistau region, Karazhanbas field, more than 100 employees of the oil service company “Mobil Service Group” for the second day do not go to work. Employees – operators-drivers of wheeled and special equipment do not agree with the fact that 20 people from among the members of the independent trade union organization were fired[38].

February 12, Konayev city, Duman Mukhamedkarim, Articles 258, 405 of the Criminal Code of the RK.  The trial of the journalist began. He complained about pressure and use of force by police officers. The prosecution insists on holding the trial in closed session. Journalists were not allowed to enter the courtroom, but were placed in a separate room[39][40].

February 12, Shymkent, the Judicial Board for Criminal Cases overturned the decision of the Administrative Court to dismiss the defamation case against M. Nizovkina, a journalist of Atameken Business TV Channel, and found the journalist guilty under Article 73-3 Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the RK. The court sanctioned her with a fine of 180 MRP (621 thousand tenge)[41]

February 13, Aktobe, the Administrative Court considered the claim of Dauylov M. on the recognition as unlawful actions of the Akimat of the city, which violate and restrict the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the plaintiff. The court dismissed the claim of Dauylov M., against the Akimat and the Akim of the city[42][43].

February 13, Astana, Sembai A., Article 179 of the Criminal Code of the RK, 6 years of imprisonment. The city court rejected the appeal of the activist and his lawyer, leaving the case unsatisfied. Sembai A. was not connected to the session, although, as his relatives said, they asked the court to provide his participation in the hearing[44].

February 13, Pavlodar, police officers came to the apartment of Kaluova N. to check the “fact of residenc”. Kaluova N. informed the police officers that her probation had expired and that she could no longer stay at home. The probation officer Aliya Temirbulatovna insisted that Kaluova N. sign a document stating that she was at home during the inspection[45].

February 14, Almaty, the decision of the court to hold the trial of Muhammetkarim D. in closed mode, “shows the deadlock in which the state has gone”, said the lawyer of the journalist Nurpeisov G. The lawyer expressed Duman’s opinion about the nature of the charges against him, and explained why he does not believe in Kazakh justice[46].

February 14, Almaty, reports that kaztag.kz site does not open via mobile Internet from Beeline, Tele2 and Altel began to come to the editorial office in the evening of February 13. The site could be opened only with the use of VPN via mobile Internet in Kazakhstan[47].

February 14, Almaty, the Akimat did not give permission to Turymbetov M. to hold a peaceful rally on February 18 and 25. The theme: “We demand an end to political repression! Freedom for all political prisoners!”.  Reason:  Due to the holding of earlier planned cultural and mass events[48].

February 14, Almaty, two feminist activists held solitary pickets at two locations in Almaty, demanding that the city authorities authorize the holding of a women’s rights march scheduled for March 8. The pickets were coordinated with the Akimat [49].

February 15, Astana, political prisoner Kaziev E. was released from Institution No. 3[50].

February 15, Atyrau, court No. 2 passed a sentence on the arsonist of journalist Sutyagin V.’s car. Material damage of 25 million tenge was caused to the owner of the car [51].

February 15, Almaty, the Akim of the city Dosayev E., at a meeting with residents of Auezov district said that the akimat had no plans to change its opinion regarding the rejections for holding a women’s march on March 8. Since last year, the akimat has denied activists three times, referring to potential threats to public order, failing to explain the nature of these threats[52].

February 15, Almaty, members of the public association “Zheltoksan-86” held a rally against LGBT propaganda near the Independence Monument [53].

February 15, Almaty, Muratbaev A., a Karakalpak activist posted on his page in social network X, that officers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs came to his house and took him to the Almaty police department [54].

February 15, Almaty, retail entrepreneurs and owners of neighborhood stores demand to reduce the tax from 4 percent to 2 percent, as it was done in some regions of the country. They organized a rally in front of the city Akimat[55].

February 15, Astana, by the decision of the Akmola Regional Court the administrative case against the lawyer Enns O.V. was dismissed for lack of corpus delicti, and the decision of the Arshalyn District Court of January 12, 2024 was revoked[56].

February 15, Almaty, overview of the situation in Kazakhstan with the right to freedom of expression, receiving and disseminating information from February 8 to February 15, 2024[57].

February 16, Akimats of Uralsk and Almaty did not give permission to hold a solitary picket and peaceful protest on February 28-29, 2024 in Uralsk and on February 25 in Almaty. Topics: Renaming of Nazarbayev Avenue to Dostyk Avenue in Uralsk, freedom for political prisoners in Almaty. Reasons for refusal: incomplete data in Uralsk, previously approved events, construction and installation work in Almaty[58].

February 16, Almaty, a series of solitary pickets for the Women’s March on March 8 continues. Local resident Timofeeva D. came out on a solitary picket for the march. She held a poster with the hashtag #marshbolsyn. The picket was held near the Globus shopping center on Abay Avenue[59].

February 16, Kazakhstan took 120th place out of 167 countries in the ranking of the level of development of democracy published by the Economist Intelligence Unit – the analytical department of the British magazine The Economist. The average score of Kazakhstan was 3.08 out of 10 possible points[60].

February 16, Almaty, representatives of the Karakalpak diaspora organized a press conference on the detention of Muratov A. According to Ageleuov G., the activist is currently in police custody, but in the next few days he is scheduled to be transferred to a pre-trial detention center[61].

February 16, Almaty, activist of the movement “Qushtar” Ermolcheva V. came to the Consulate General of Russia. She laid flowers in memory of Navalny A. She also reminded about political prisoners of Kazakhstan and demanded their release[62]

February 16, Astana, the Minister of Culture and Information Balaeva A. said that no one is preventing the activities of the media, but “journalists are doing the wrong thing, they ask absolutely unnecessary questions, which are of no use to the population”[63]

February 16, Almaty, Karakalpak activist Yuldasheva T., at a press conference dedicated to the detention of human rights defender Muratov A. (aka Muratbay Akylbek), urged the international community to pay attention to the situation with the persecution of representatives of the Karakalpak diaspora[64].

February 16, Uralsk, local authorities did not give permission to Utebayev B. to hold a solitary picket for the renaming of Nazarbayev Avenue, which was named after the former president in March 2019[65].

February 16, Uralsk, “The President of Kazakhstan Tokayev K. told the whole world that permission for notification for a peaceful rally and a single picket is not required. The question is what right does the Akimat of Uralsk have to deny the right to hold a solitary picket” – said activist Utebaev B.[66]

February 16, Atyrau, a petition of the workers of the Atyrau Oil Refinery (ANPZ) was created. As soon as such a petition is signed by the majority of ANPZ workers, the Presidential Administration, the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Energy and Kazmunaigaz should pay attention to this document[67].

February 16, Kostanay, police officers came to the workplace of activist and member of the party “Alga, Kazakhstan!” Daurenu Sultangali, took him to the police station and interrogated him. Later he was returned to his office[68].

February 17, Almaty, a court sentenced Karakalpak human rights activist Muratov A., who had previously been detained at the request of Uzbekistan, to 40 days of arrest. The court hearing was held without the participation of Muratov’s lawyer. The activist’s lawyer believes that Muratov A. had already been transferred to pre-trial detention on Sunday morning[69].

February 17, Almaty, police detained Ushakova A., an activist of the “Kazleft” movement on suspicion of “organizing an illegal rally”. She was released after interrogation and fined 50 MRP (184,600 tenge) under Article 488, p.7 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the RK[70].

February 17, Almaty, Karakalpak activist Muratov A., who was detained by the police at the request of Uzbekistan, was charged under Article 244.1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (production, storage, distribution or demonstration of materials threatening public safety and order)[71].

February 18, Pavlodar, workers of the Pavlodar Petrochemical Plant (PNHZ) appealed to the employees of ANPZ. In connection with the silence and absence of a precise position of the first leaders of the industry, we young oil refiners of Kazakhstan, as a family, cannot remain neutral in the existing situation with our brothers and colleagues at the Atyrau oil refinery[72].

February 18, Mangystau region, Zhanaozen unemployed people have been protesting in front of the city’s Akimat for the eighteenth day. They demand to be given jobs in the oil companies of the Mangystau region[73].

February 18, Uralsk, about 70 car owners gathered in front of the Special Public Service Center – a service center for car owners and future drivers, demanding to reduce the recycling fee rate to 200 thousand tenge. People have recorded a video message to President Tokayev K. and Prime Minister Bektenov O. According to the organizers, the protest was coordinated with the Akimat of the city[74].

February 19, Almaty, A. Muratov, leader of the Karakalpak diaspora in Kazakhstan, who was previously detained at the request of the Uzbek authorities, is suspected under two articles of the penal code related to mass rioting[75].

February 19,  Almaty, journalist and feminist blogger Matveeva D. held a solitary picket calling on the authorities to coordinate a rally and march for women’s rights on March 8. The picket was coordinated with Akimat. It took place near the Kazakh National Opera and Ballet Theater, named after Abay. Matveeva D. held a poster in her hand that read: “We ask for just one day a year”[76].

February 19, Mangistau region, the rescue workers say they have stopped work in Aktau, Zhanaozen, Zhetybai, Karazhanbas and Kalamkas. Firefighters in the village of Umirzak are also on strike. The firemen say that their monthly salary is 130-150 thousand tenge. They demand an increase to 350,000 tenge. Their contractor is Zevs Energo Ltd[77].

February 19, the Prosecutor’s Office of Karaganda region took control over the investigation of the case of obstruction of professional activities of journalist Saparkyzy D[78].

February 19, Almaty, journalists of the editorial offices Dalanews and DALA INSIDE claimed to be under pressure from the ex-deputy of Astana Maslikhat Gabit Satmagambetov and his construction company G-Park, reports the correspondent of the agency[79].

February 19, Almaty, a press conference of one of the participants of the “Halyk Parlamenti” (“People’s Parliament”) Ilyashev A. and Aspandiyarova M. was held in the Press Center of the Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law. They described how the authorities are obstructing the work of the public initiative that unites independent candidates for the 2023 Majilis and Maslikhats elections[80].

February 20, Almaty, the Akimat plans to spend nearly 260 million tenge on monitoring criticism on the Internet. The tender has already been published on the state procurement website and is awaiting bids from contractors. Last year, the Center for Monitoring and Analysis, one of Akimat’s subordinate companies, received 190 million tenge in a similar tender[81].

February 20, Akmola region, chairman of Akkol district court Temirov Zh., rejected the application of Sadvakasova A. on parole. Reason for refusal: Violation of the conditions of parole control. The judge recalled the administrative arrest of Sadvakasova for the call for a peaceful protest in November 2022 prior to the presidential elections[82].

February 21, Astana: Life imprisonment for infanticide and pedophilia was approved in the first reading by the Majilis of the Kazakh Parliament[83].

February 21, Mangistau region, West Oil Software, the employing company, appealed to the oil workers currently on strike at the Zhetybai field against unequal working conditions. “We reiterate our call for you to end the illegal strike and return to work by February 24, otherwise we will be forced to terminate your employment agreements”, he company said in its statement[84].

February 21, Mangistau region, strikers at West Oil Software said they were not afraid of threats and would continue to insist on their demands. “If you threaten to fire us, fire us all. We are all as one, ready to stand until the victorious end”, the oil workers said in their statement[85].

February 21, Almaty, Maksutkhanuly Bekzat, Article 489, Part 9 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the RK, was sentenced to a fine of 184,000 tenge under the protocol of the Alatau District Police Department on the charge of invitation to become a member of an unregistered organization[86]

February 22, Mangistau region, KazMunaiGaz urged workers of West Oil Software to end the strike, return to work and “solve problems through constructive dialogue”[87].

February 22, the city of Konayev, the head of the department of internal policy of the city of Konayev, Musagitov S., approached the supporters who had come to the court hearing on the case of Mukhamedkarim D. and declared that their meeting was “illegal”, referring to the fact that they “had not sent a notification on holding a peaceful assembly to the Akimat”. The supporters replied that they had not come for a meeting, but for a trial[88].

February 22, Konayev, Muhammedkarim D., Articles 258, 405 of the Criminal Code of the RK, demanded that consideration of the criminal case was held in an open trial and the court was impartial. He also stated that he refused to be represented by lawyers, explaining that the outcome of a closed trial is “predetermined”. In the afternoon, the lawyer, Nurpeisov G., reported that Muhammedkarim D. had declared that he would go on hunger strike[89].

February 22, Konayev, Muhammedkarim D., Articles 258, 405 of the Criminal Code of the RK, complained of ill-treatment on the way from the Konayev court to the pre-trial detention center in Taldykorgan. As a sign of protest and also to demand an open trial, he inflicted injuries on himself.[90].

February 22,  Almaty, Karakalpak human rights activist Muratov A. was charged with “public incitement to mass disorder and violence” for a commemorative rally to mark 500 days since the events of July 2022 in Nukus, and with “production or display of materials threatening public security “ for posting a video of K. Toremuratov’s speech at an OSCE conference in October 2023..[91]

February 22, Atyrau, Administrative Court dismissed the case under Article 73-3, Part 2 of the Code of Administrative OffenCes of the RK against journalist Vertinskaya O., in connection with missed deadlines, also the court issued a special verdict against inspector Sahbaliyev for failure to properly perform his duties[92][93].

February 22, Almaty, overview of the situation in Kazakhstan with the right to freedom of expression, receiving and disseminating information from February 15 to February 22, 2024[94].

February 23, Almaty, the Department for Coordination of Employment and Social Programs issued a certificate of asylum in Kazakhstan to Muratov A., the leader of the Karakalpak diaspora in Kazakhstan, who was previously detained[95].

February 23, the akimats of Almaty, Astana, Kostanay, Kokshetau, Aktobe, and Karaganda did not give permission to hold peaceful meetings on March 8, 2024. Themes: “Protection of women’s rights, no violence against women”. Reasons for refusal: Holding of previously coordinated events (Almaty, Aktobe, Kostanay, Kokshetau, Karaganda), submission of false data (Astana)[96].

February 23, Akimats of Petropavlovsk, Pavlodar, Shymkent, Semey and Uralsk did not give permission to hold peaceful meetings on March 8, 2024. Themes: “Protection of women’s rights, no violence against women”. Reasons for refusal: Holding of previously approved events and submission of incomplete data[97].

February 24, Almaty, on the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia, residents of the city, who wanted to express their support for the Ukrainian people, bring flowers, candles, blue and yellow balloons to the Shevchenko Monument. [98].

February 25, Uralsk, journalist Akhmedyarov L., together with his colleague Uporov R. filmed a documentary “Qantar” about the January events of 2022.[99].

February 25, Human Rights Watch urged Kazakh authorities not to extradite Karakalpak activist Muratov A. to Uzbekistan because of the risk of political persecution. In a statement, HRW said that in recent years, human rights organizations have documented numerous cases of torture and other forms of mistreatment and arbitrarily imprisonment of people accused of crimes against the state in Uzbekistan[100].

February 25, Almaty – The campaign for the right to hold a peaceful mass rally on March 8 continues. This weekend, feminist activists organized two authorized pickets in the southern capital[101].

February 26, Zhanaozen, the oil worker and activist Karashayev E. went on a solitary picket demanding the release of the imprisoned journalists Muhammedkarim D. and Tleuzhan A. The activist held a picket in the center of the city on Independence Square[102].

February 27, Mangistau Region, West Oil Software Company, where workers have been on strike since December against unequal working conditions, announced that it is terminating the employment contracts of 50 workers. The company said the decision was based on a court ruling that declared the strike illegal and on industrial necessity[103].

February 27, Almaty, journalist Toishibek A. held a solitary picket in support of the Women’s March and the March 8 rally. The picket took place in the pedestrian zone of Panfilov Street, next to the Zhibek Zholy metro station[104].

February 27, Almaty, a press conference was held in the press center of the Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law. The speakers were Zakirova S., Ilyashev A. and human rights defender Kaliev E. The press conference focused on Zakirova S.’s recently concluded legal battle over her withdrawal from the parliamentary election race two weeks before the vote due to “irregularities” found retroactively in her income declaration. [105].

February 27, Atyrau, the city Akimat did not give permission to the journalist Vertinskaya O. to hold a solitary picket in front of the regional court building. The theme of the picket: disagreement with the unjust decision of the court. The reason for the refusal: “In the adjacent territory of the Regional Court there is a main pipeline, and also a heating station, which provides heating and hot water to the surrounding multi-storey buildings”[106].

February 28, Uralsk, Utebaev B. went on a solitary picket on the central square named after Abay near the Akimat of the city with a demand for improving social conditions in the country and renaming the central street of the city and the new square, which are named in honor of Nazarbayev N.[107].

February 28, Stepnogorsk, Institution No. 4, Zhylanbaev M., Articles 258, 405 of the Criminal Code of the RK, 7 years of imprisonment: he told his lawyer that: “He was subjected to lawlessness and persecution. There is only cold water in the shower room where he is taken to bathe.  When he asked other prisoners, they said there was hot water. The food in the institution leaves much to be desired. Margarine is served instead of butte”[108].

February 29, Washington, DC (USA), “Political rights score 5 out of 40, civil liberties 18 out of 60. Parliamentary and presidential elections are neither free nor fair; freedom of speech and assembly are still subject to restrictions and punishment. Genuine opposition figures are imprisoned, and corruption is endemic”. Kazakhstan was again ranked among the least free countries in Freedom House’s 2023 report[109].

February 29, Almaty, the online platform of the Press Center of the Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law hosted a briefing on the completion of the project “Development and promotion of anti-discrimination legislation in Kazakhstan with the participation of representatives of civil society and authorized state bodies”[110].

February 29, Almaty region, Iliyskiy district, Baiserke settlement, police officers came to the home of activist Keneshbaev Erlan to take him to the district police station. Then the Konaev city court sentenced Keneshbaev E. to 20 days’ imprisonment under Article 488 Part 11 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the RK, and Kemelbaeva R. to 10 days’ imprisonment for participating in an unauthorized rally on February 22 in Konaev near the courthouse in support of journalist Mukhamedkarim D.[111].


[1] https://rus.azattyq.org/a/32800919.html

[2] https://orda.kz/almatinskie-feministki-planirujut-na-jetih-vyhodnyh-repeticiju-zhenskogo-marsha-382096/

[3] https://bureau.kz/novosti/dana-komanda-ne-pushhat/

[4] https://bureau.kz/novosti/brata-za-brata-2/

[5] https://adilsoz.kz/weekly-monitoring/narusheniya-svobody-slova-v-kazahstane-s-25-yanvarya-po-01-fevralya-20.html

[6] https://t.me/AdalSotKz/1754

[7] https://azh.kz/ru/news/view/99145

[8] https://rus.azattyq.org/a/32802531.html

[9] https://rus.azattyq.org/a/32802342.html

[10] https://rus.azattyq.org/a/32803740.html

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