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Акция в поддержку Ардак Ашим

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#SOS Political abuse of psychiatry in #Kazakhstan


While the European world celebrates Easter holidays Nazarbayev’s regime illegally keeps activist in #psychiatric#hospital. On March 31, in #Shymkent, after being interrogated at the police station, an activist Ardak Ashim was placed in a psychiatric hospital for compulsory treatment.

It is an act of political abuse of psychiatry against Ardak Ashim which was ordered by Zhanseit Tuymenbayev, Akim of South-Kazakhstan region to intimidate everyone who is linked to the Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan (#DCK) movement in the South-Kazakhstan region.

As Ashim’s relatives were said akim Tuymenbayev ordered TOMORROW to turn into a vegetable Ardak Ashim using psychotropic injections just because of her active citizens position, that she does not agree with Nazarbayev’s corrupt and repressive policies.

The Open Dialog Foundation in the cooperation with Kazakhstani human rights defenders are now collecting the list and all the data of the involved officials, judges, doctors and prosecutors who are responsible for for compulsory and politically motivated treatment of Ardak Ashim.

I’m requesting everyone to call/write to akim Tuymenbayev, Оңтүстік Қазақстан Облысының Әкімдігі Акимат Южно-Казахстанской области in order to stop political abuse of psychiatry and intimidation of Ardak Ashim and her family! 
You can call: 
+7 725 224 7156; +7 725 224-71-13; +7 725 224-7114
You can write: akimat.uko@ontustik.gov.kz


















On March 31, in #Shymkent, after being interrogated at the police station, an activist Ardak Ashim was placed in a psychiatric hospital for compulsory treatment.

It is an act of political abuse of psychiatry against Ardak Ashim which was ordered by Zhanseit Tuymenbayev, Akim of South-Kazakhstan region to intimidate everyone who is linked to the Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan (#DCK) movement in the South-


Kazakhstan region.




Here is photo of akim Zhanseit Tuymenbayev with his family. 
Akim #Tuymenbayev will be directly responsible for any deterioration in the state of health of Ashim and repression of her family.
As Ashim’s relatives were said akim Tuymenbayev ordered TOMORROW to turn into a vegetable Ardak Ashim using psychotropic injections just because of her active citizens position, that she does not agree with Nazarbayev’s corrupt and repressive policies.

The Open Dialog Foundation in the cooperation with Kazakhstani human rights defenders are now collecting the list and all the data of the involved officials, judges, doctors and prosecutors who are responsible for compulsory and politically motivated treatment of Ardak Ashim.

I’m requesting everyone to call/write to akim Tuymenbayev, Оңтүстік Қазақстан Облысының Әкімдігі Акимат Южно-Казахстанской области in order to stop political abuse of psychiatry and intimidation of Ardak Ashim and her family! 
You can call: 
+7 725 224 7156; +7 725 224-71-13; +7 725 224-7114
You can write: akimat.uko@ontustik.gov.kz
Показать перевод
— с Zhanseit Tuymenbayev в Оңтүстік Қазақстан Облысының Әкімдігі Акимат Южно-Казахстанской области.

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