On 21 October 2021, the deputy mayor of Zhanaozen, #AIMAGANBETOV Zhanabai, issued a refusal to a notification submitted by the civil activist, #KULAMANOVA Bakytgul, on holding a peaceful assembly on 23 October 2021.
The demands of the peaceful assembly to the Kazakhstani authorities: freedom for political prisoners and implementation of European Parliament resolutions on the human rights situation in Kazakhstan.
Reasons for politically motivated refusals: dates, start and end time of the protest, number of participants, information about the establishment of yurts was not specified. At the same time the start time and date are indicated in the notification.
TOKAYEV at the same time tells us that no one allegedly prevents peaceful assemblies from taking place. Altogether 134 refusals to conduct peaceful protests, marches and solitary pickets (in 22 cities and settlements) were registered by the human rights monitoring group «ActivistsNotExtremists» from 30 July 2020 to 21 October 2021. Of the 134 refusals, 104 were issued in 2021. This is the second politically motivated refusal to hold a peaceful assembly on 23 October 2021 (previously there was a refusal in Uralsk).

Daniyar Hasenov
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