We publish a video of the announcement of the verdict dated 11 October 2021 in the politically motivated criminal case against civil activists from Almaty.
Political prisoners:
— Diana BAIMAGAMBETOVA (Article 405 Part 2 — «participation in an extremist organisation») — 2 years of restriction of liberty.
— Askhat ZHEKSEBAYEV, Kairat KLYSHEV, Abai BEGIMBETOV, Noyan RAKHIMZHANOV (Article 405 Part 1 and Part 2 — ‘organisation and participation in an extremist organisation’) — 5 years’ imprisonment.
Politically persecuted:
— Dametkan ASPANDIYAROVA (Article 405 Part 2) — 2 years of restriction of liberty.
— Gulzipa DZHAUKEROVA, Ninagul DZHUMANIYAZOVA, Yermek KOZIYEV, Marat KURBANOV, Bakdaulet ALIBEKOV, Bolat SMAGULOV, Darkhan VALIYEV (Article 405 Part 2) — 1 year of restriction of liberty.
They are prosecuted on political grounds for:
— participation, discussion and calls for peaceful protests;
— participation in Asar — building a house for the family of murdered human rights activist and blogger Dulat Agadil;
— collection and provision of humanitarian aid for the families of politically persecuted activists and political prisoners.
— Criticism of the authorities of Kazakhstan.
— Defence and promotion of human rights and demands for the release of political prisoners.
Judge Yernar KASSYMBEKOV once again did not allow all the desired observers to the trial, saying that this issue had already been resolved in response to the request of the lawyer to connect observers. Judge Yernar KASSYMBEKOV selectively allowed only a few observers to connect to the trial.

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